Economics Socium Environment


The events of 2020 have forever changed the content of the security category. The new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and its consequences for society, the economy, and the environment are severe and unique simultaneously, as they have affected everyone without exception. At the same time, there were no highly effective targeted methods of struggle in humanity, which only confirmed two opposite tendencies of sustainable development, which are constantly covered by scientific authors in the pages of our journal. On the one hand, outstanding achievements and innovations in various fields have brought humanity closer to fundamentally new, progressive frontiers in all spheres of life. On the other hand, new potential and real threats have emerged. For a long time, there has been a belief that the development of the world economy will be stable and continuous, and resources will be inexhaustible. Environmental problems were seen as purely technical hazards, which were also solved by technical means. This optimism gave rise to illusions about limitless growth opportunities, but the rapid technological onslaught of humanity on nature has caused modern environmental catastrophes.
The authors of the journal substantiate the assertion that the processes of globalization, increasing disparities between economically developed and backward territories increase the threat to sustainable development in the long run. The urgency of the problem of environmental security of sustainable development and the economics of nature is evidenced by the fact that the world's most influential indicator of economic development – the Dow Jones Industrial Index – publishes a sub-index that includes companies that reflect in regular reports or, conversely, the effect of neutralization measures. Thus, the international community emphasizes that global environmental security should not be achieved by discriminating against individual regions and countries, but according to the universally recognized parity principles and principles, including the priority, systemic, commonality, equality of security actors.
The transition from irrational consumption to a sustainable nature economy and from the principle of absolute security to ensuring its acceptable level is a new effective solution for many industries. It determines the directions of further development of the socio-ecological and economic system of countries and the world in general. The experience of highly developed countries shows that the prevention of danger requires fewer material costs than overcoming its consequences, and given the limited resources available, it is important to assess their effective and optimal distribution. Relevant policy in Ukraine requires radical improvement of the entire executive and legislative management system in general and in terms of resources. Therefore, large-scale theoretical, methodological, and experimental research in these areas, the formation on their basis of the legal framework and the relevant institutional structure of the executive branch, which received new opportunities in the process of decentralization, remain in demand and relevant.

Mykhaylo Khvesyk,,
Chief Editor of journal «Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development»